"We can only be offered and accept opportunity by those who have seen opportunity in us." #40to2 Blog-post (July 14 - 16, 2016)
" We can only be offered and accept opportunity by those who have seen opportunity in us ." #40to2 Blog-post July 14 - 16, 2016 Jared Trust Design & American Information Products M ake sure any person or persons, especially your close friends and family, know who you are, what you want, what you're really good at, what you're passionate about, and what you're doing to achieve it. S urround yourself with people who are happy, stable, positive, have similiar tastes and passions as you, and have either found success or seem to be heading towards it. J oin groups, read blogs, network at events, volunteer for a cause you know and care about, make connections = Opportunities will flow to you as abundently as fish swim in the ocean. You could have many things wrong with you (or maybe nothing at all (: , made mistakes, created problems, and even at times be unruly and difficult to deal with, but if you can show and make known even one really va...