BLOG-POST #40to2 | Do you ever feel like you have a Brilliant idea, one that makes you feel incredibly inspired, an idea that can help thousands and/or millions of people; (NOV 3, 2017) BLOG
BLOG-POST #40to2 | Do you ever feel like you have a BRILLIANT idea; one that makes you feel incredibly inspired? An idea that can help thousands and/or millions of people?
BY | Jared R. Trust @jaredtrust @LA @DREAMER#40to2 @USINFOPROS @AMSONLINE @SPEEDFLOWEventsLA
DATE | November 3, 2017
Do you ever feel like you have a BRILLIANT idea; one that makes you feel incredibly inspired? An idea that can help thousands and/or millions of people? Ultimately manifesting your own angelic and everlasting LEGACY that FOR ALL TIME will help/progress/positively change the world? - But then once you start working on your incredible and exciting idea; for whatever reason .. even no reason at all; you lose steam/energy/excitement and start doubting yourself and your "DUMB/CRAZY" idea ..? (BRILLIANT IDEA).
"How could I have thought I could do this? I am not qualified. I am not an expert.
I have no experience. I have no idea what I am doing."
We have ALL been there. And we will all be there again and again throughout our lives. The truth is, as soon as we start getting overwhelmed; we get discouraged, doubtful, tired, restless, and even anxious.
We hit a brick-wall. Yes .. a BIG, SCARY one
So how do you force your way through that brick-wall or break it down and get back and HOLD WITHIN FOR GOOD your Inner-Joy, Excitement, Self-Confidence, Brilliance, Energy, Positive Influence, Virtue, Strength, Drive, that Deep Knowing flowing through you via your intuition, heart, and soul?
You just keep going.
Sure, sounds simple enough. But anyone who has actually been standing in front of that brick-wall knows that it is not that easy. The longer you stand in front of that brick-wall, staring at it; the more intimidating it becomes; the taller it grows, and the more terrifying it appears!
Pause; take a deep breath. Try a few of these techniques when calm is with you.
#1) Pause. If you have run out of steam, maybe it is your body trying to tell you something. When you are feeling overwhelmed, instead of giving up; just take a break.
DO NOT abandon ship, just give yourself a moment. Take a nap. Take a walk.
Do something else and come back later feeling Refreshed and Re-Energized!
#2) Start small. So often, we feel the need to take great leaps and bounds.
Every day needs to be filled with productivity. But we reach a point where we get overwhelmed by all the things we have to do. Break it down. No one can do everything all at once. Take a baby step. Once you get going, it will be harder to stop.
#3) Do the thing you are dreading.
Often when we get overwhelmed, it is because the task ahead is daunting. There is no easy way around it. The more we think about it, the more intimidated we feel.
So stop thinking about it, and just do it. Most of the time, things are never as bad as we imagined them in our minds.
#4) Ask for help; the biggest misconception is that we have to do everything on our own. But that’s simply not true.
Success never comes without support. So reach out. Call a friend. Ask for advice. Your community will be more than happy to help, and you WILL feel better; PROMISE
#5) DO NOT give up. This is the most important. Don’t walk away just because you get stuck. Do you really want to live your life wondering “WHAT IF?"
No one wants to live with regrets. Think of what you would say to a friend in your situation. Take your own advice.
#6) Remind yourself why you started!
Sit down and make a list of why you wanted to do this in the first place.
Why was this important to you?
Writing down the reasons will remind you and motivate you to keep going.
#7) Remember that if it is not easy, it probably means it is worth it.
The harder you work for something you believe in, the better you will feel about it. And once you learn how to handle hitting a brick-wall, it will get easier to deal with the next time around.
There is nothing and NO ONE discouraging you right now. You have the Choice to Decide the THOUGHTS you THINK, the DECISIONS you make, How you spend your TIME and ENERGY, who you SURROUND and therefore are heavily MOLDED + INFLUENCED BY, what WORDS you SPEAK, and BRAINSTORM/RESEARCH/PLAN/MEDITATE on how you will OVERCOME any and/or ALL FEARS, CONFLICTS, DOUBTS, HABITS, DRAINERS, NEGATIVITY, and ANYTHING that DOES NOT BELONG in your MIND, LIFE, MEMORIES, EXPERIENCES, HABITS, and REGRETS (:
Thank you for reading,
Jared R. Trust
DREAMER #40to2 | BOOM! Web + Media Studios, AMS Online, & U.S.INFOPROS
In Association with SPEED+FLOW Events, Los Angeles, California; Made in the USA!
BY | Jared R. Trust @jaredtrust @LA @DREAMER#40to2 @USINFOPROS @AMSONLINE @SPEEDFLOWEventsLA
DATE | November 3, 2017
Do you ever feel like you have a BRILLIANT idea; one that makes you feel incredibly inspired? An idea that can help thousands and/or millions of people? Ultimately manifesting your own angelic and everlasting LEGACY that FOR ALL TIME will help/progress/positively change the world? - But then once you start working on your incredible and exciting idea; for whatever reason .. even no reason at all; you lose steam/energy/excitement and start doubting yourself and your "DUMB/CRAZY" idea ..? (BRILLIANT IDEA).
"How could I have thought I could do this? I am not qualified. I am not an expert.
I have no experience. I have no idea what I am doing."
We have ALL been there. And we will all be there again and again throughout our lives. The truth is, as soon as we start getting overwhelmed; we get discouraged, doubtful, tired, restless, and even anxious.
We hit a brick-wall. Yes .. a BIG, SCARY one
So how do you force your way through that brick-wall or break it down and get back and HOLD WITHIN FOR GOOD your Inner-Joy, Excitement, Self-Confidence, Brilliance, Energy, Positive Influence, Virtue, Strength, Drive, that Deep Knowing flowing through you via your intuition, heart, and soul?
You just keep going.
Sure, sounds simple enough. But anyone who has actually been standing in front of that brick-wall knows that it is not that easy. The longer you stand in front of that brick-wall, staring at it; the more intimidating it becomes; the taller it grows, and the more terrifying it appears!
Pause; take a deep breath. Try a few of these techniques when calm is with you.
#1) Pause. If you have run out of steam, maybe it is your body trying to tell you something. When you are feeling overwhelmed, instead of giving up; just take a break.
DO NOT abandon ship, just give yourself a moment. Take a nap. Take a walk.
Do something else and come back later feeling Refreshed and Re-Energized!
#2) Start small. So often, we feel the need to take great leaps and bounds.
Every day needs to be filled with productivity. But we reach a point where we get overwhelmed by all the things we have to do. Break it down. No one can do everything all at once. Take a baby step. Once you get going, it will be harder to stop.
#3) Do the thing you are dreading.
Often when we get overwhelmed, it is because the task ahead is daunting. There is no easy way around it. The more we think about it, the more intimidated we feel.
So stop thinking about it, and just do it. Most of the time, things are never as bad as we imagined them in our minds.
#4) Ask for help; the biggest misconception is that we have to do everything on our own. But that’s simply not true.
Success never comes without support. So reach out. Call a friend. Ask for advice. Your community will be more than happy to help, and you WILL feel better; PROMISE
#5) DO NOT give up. This is the most important. Don’t walk away just because you get stuck. Do you really want to live your life wondering “WHAT IF?"
No one wants to live with regrets. Think of what you would say to a friend in your situation. Take your own advice.
#6) Remind yourself why you started!
Sit down and make a list of why you wanted to do this in the first place.
Why was this important to you?
Writing down the reasons will remind you and motivate you to keep going.
#7) Remember that if it is not easy, it probably means it is worth it.
The harder you work for something you believe in, the better you will feel about it. And once you learn how to handle hitting a brick-wall, it will get easier to deal with the next time around.
There is nothing and NO ONE discouraging you right now. You have the Choice to Decide the THOUGHTS you THINK, the DECISIONS you make, How you spend your TIME and ENERGY, who you SURROUND and therefore are heavily MOLDED + INFLUENCED BY, what WORDS you SPEAK, and BRAINSTORM/RESEARCH/PLAN/MEDITATE on how you will OVERCOME any and/or ALL FEARS, CONFLICTS, DOUBTS, HABITS, DRAINERS, NEGATIVITY, and ANYTHING that DOES NOT BELONG in your MIND, LIFE, MEMORIES, EXPERIENCES, HABITS, and REGRETS (:
Thank you for reading,
Jared R. Trust
DREAMER #40to2 | BOOM! Web + Media Studios, AMS Online, & U.S.INFOPROS
In Association with SPEED+FLOW Events, Los Angeles, California; Made in the USA!
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