A Personal Example, Original Product and "Offer" One of my latest Original, Unique, Universal and Creative American INFORMATION Products' FONTZ Created, Written, Developed, Sold and Shared by Jared R. Trust American Information Products & American Military Supplies In Association with, Jared Trust Design, Santa Barbara Utilizing Fonts, Unique types, original characters, new characteristics, modern styles, new words and the overall character and variety offered by having much more control of the look, feel, writings, drafts, all the way up to our final and perfected typed up and now printed into the world; where it can be read, it will notify, protect, inform, scare, teach, warn, punish, satisfy, bring joy, bring sorrow, make someone’s day, destroy someone’s life, redeem someone life, whether it is a digital document that now can exist in a web reality that we now know as the Cloud, or whether we franti...